Translational Neurology Group

Areas of interest

The research group investigates perturbations of the GABAergic system in neurological disorders, including epilepsy. We study how GABA and its metabolites are converted and broken down in the brain during seizures, as well as in various neuropsychiatric conditions. Furthermore, we try to develop new diagnostic methods that can be used within the neurological area through the use of Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) technique. This is done in collaboration with Aalborg University, Denmark.

Ongoing projects

  • Measurements of GABA and GABA metabolites in blood and urine after seizures.
  • Measurements of GABA and GABA metabolites in blood and urine in hepatic encephalopathy.
  • Studies of GABA metabolites using Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) technique.
  • Studies of human spinal fluid using Multi-Electrode Array (MEA) technique.
  • Long-term EEG recordings in focal and generalized epilepsies. 


Group members

  • Kimmo Jensen, M.D. Ph.D., Clinical Chair Professor, Consultant Neurologist
  • Maria Christiansen, Secretary of the Professor
  • Anne Line Lund Birkmose, M.D., PhD Student
  • Maria Skallerup Andersen, PhD Student
  • Anita Palsgård, Research Nurse
  • Jeppe Laier, Research Student
  • Corinna Lackmann, Student



  • John V. Nieland, Associate Professor, Ph.D.
    Department of Medicine and Health Technology, Aalborg University
  • Claus Vinter Bødker Hviid, Clinical Associate Professor, Senior Registrar, Ph.D.
    Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University Hospital

Selected publications

  • Dosa, Z., Nieto-Gonzalez, J.L., Elfving, B., Hougaard, K.S., Holm, M.M., Wegener, G., Jensen, K. (2023). Reduction in hippocampal GABAergic transmission in a low birth weight rat model of depression. Acta Neuropsychiatrica Mar 10;1-13.

  • Schäfer, J., Jensen, K., Christensen, P.B. (2023). Mixed severe AMPA and NMDA receptor antibody autoimmune encephalitis in a young male preceded by ocular myasthenia gravis. BMC Neurology 23(1):102.
  • Clarkson, A.N., Boothman-Burrell, L., Dósa, Z., Nagaraja, R.Y., Jin, L., Parker, K., van Nieuwenhuijzen, P.S., Neumann, S., Gowing, E.K., Gavande, N., Ahring, P.K., Holm, M.M., Hanrahan, J.R., Nicolazzo, J.A., Jensen, K., Chebib, M. (2019). The flavonoid, 2'-methoxy-6-methylflavone, affords neuroprotection following focal cerebral ischaemia. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 39(7):1266-1282. 
  • Czéh, B., Vardya, I., Varga, Z., Febbraro, F., Csabai, D., Martis, L.S., Højgaard, K., Henningsen, K., Bouzinova, E.V., Miseta, A., Jensen, K., Wiborg, O. (2018). Long-term stress disrupts GABAergic networks in the prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, (12):148.
  • Jessen, S.B., Brazhe, A., Lind, B.L., Mathiesen, C., Thomsen, K., Jensen, K., Lauritzen, M. (2015). GABAA receptor mediated gating and amplification of synaptic activity, intracellular Ca2+, cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption in mouse somatosensory cortex in vivo. Cerebral Cortex, 25(9):2594-609.
  • Nieto-Gonzalez, J.L., Moser, J.M., Lauritzen, M.L., Schmitt-John, T., Jensen, K. (2011). Reduced GABAergic inhibition explains cortical hyperexcitability in the wobbler mouse model of ALS. Cerebral Cortex, 21(3):625-635.


The research is supported by the Danish Epilepsy Society.
