Søren Eiskjær
I am a 63-year-old orthopedic surgeon with an almost 40-year career in orthopedic surgery. The last 20 years I have been employed at Aalborg University Hospital as the director of spine surgery. I am an associate professor and have been so for the last 5 years. Besides all kinds of spine surgery, I am also responsible for all pelvic fracture surgery in Region Nord of Denmark (population 700.00).
Besides being an orthopedic surgeon and a spine surgeon, I have undertaken master’s studies in Health Informatics at Aalborg University.
My main research interest is spine surgery – lumbar spinal fusion, early onset scoliosis, EOS imaging, clinical decision support systems, machine learning and statistical analysis of biomedical data.
I have 51 publications in peer-reviewed journals available on PubMed.
In my capacity as an associate professor, I teach the medical students at Aalborg University Hospital as much as possible about modern spine surgery. Besides that I am responsible for conducting the national spine surgery subspecialty course.
I am and have been the principal supervisor for four PhD students. January 2020 Peter Heide Pedersen was awarded the PhD degree for his thesis: Patent radiation dose from the EOS low-dose scanner and other X-ray modalities in scoliosis patients. An evaluation of organ dose and effective dose. Opponency: Opponent at the PhD defence by Søren Ohrt-Nissen and Casper Dragsted both from the Spine Unit, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet
I have been awarded the Volvo award winner in clinical studies – later the ISSLS (International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine) prize in clinical studies.
Ongoing research: Scoliosis screening with the EOS scanner, YPLL due to medical radiation in scoliosis patients, anthropomorphic phantom study – O-arm, accuracy of measures of distraction length after distraction of Magec rods, Systematic review/network meta-analysis – lumbar discectomy, Clinical Decision Support System for lumbar spine surgery, Complications and reoperations after scoliosis surgery in children.
Our Partners in research: AnyBody Technology, Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University, Center for Spine Surgery and Research, Middelfart, University of Southern Denmark, Spine Unit, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Department of Pediatrics, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France and Institut de Biomechanique Humaine Georges Charpak, Paris, France.
Søren Eiskjær
Søren Eiskjær, MD, Associate Professor
Head of Spine Surgery
Department of Orthopaedics, Aalborg University Hospital