Igangværende forskning
Der forskes indenfor følgende områder:
- Hepatitis C virus Genotype 2 – Et fylogenetisk studie.
- Leverfibrose – Et translationelt studie i mekanismerne ved hepatisk fibrogenese.
- Karakterisering af HNPCC patienter med manglende ekspression af MLH1 og PMS2 ved analyse af promoter regionerne og screening for mutationer i regulatoriske enzymer (p53).
- Studie af mutationsprofiler og sammenhængen med infektionsforløb hos danske patienter inficeret med Hepatitis B Virus genotype D.
- Diagnostisk potentiale af metyleret DNA i ovariecancer.
- Præanalytiske forholds betydning for genekspressionsprofiler.
- Forekomst af fænotypiske varianter i xenobiotika metaboliserende enzymer og haptoglobin hos patienter med gastroenterologiske sygdomme
- Genetiske varianter som predictor for respons på azathioprin behandling hos patienter med IBD.
- Prospektiv undersøgelse af venøs trombose. Betydning af genetiske og livsstilsrelaterede risikofaktorer.
- Characterisation of functional antithrombin variants causing thrombosis.
- Backscatterinterferometri
- Atrieflimren – er det en hyperkoagulabel tilstand
- The association between cardiac diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and circulating microparticles in obesitas and type 2 diabetes.
- Platelet response to aspirin and clinical outcome in patients with peripheral atherosclerosis – 5 years follow-up.
- The procoagulant state of patients with multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathia of unknown significans (MGUS). The role of the M-component.
- Optimization of the analysis thrombin generation
- Optimization and evaluation of various techniques for determination of number, size and thrombogenicity of microvesicles.
- The procoagulant state of patients with small cell lung carcinoma.
- sCD36 as a marker of weight loss induced improvements in body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity and fatty liver.
- Development of algoritm for degree of fatty liver in obese children.
- Method development for the quantification of disease associated membrane proteins on circulating microparticles.
- Circulating CD36 as a risk marker of CVD – follow up study
Deltagelse i andre forskningsprojekter:
- Mutationer i MSH6 blandt danske HNPCC familier
- Karakterisering af mutationer i PMS1 og PMS2 ved insilico og exon trapping analyser i samarbejde med Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling, Rigshospitalet.
- MOMA Study – Modifier of MMR
- Hypodonti og ovariecancer
- HDV genotypning – Grønlandsprojekt
- Biofysiske og kinetiske undersøgelser af Antitrombin, vildtype og varianter
- Classification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants of unknown significance
- Investigation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 risk – modifiers
- Characterisation of BRCA2 variants causing Exon3-skipping
- Comparison of MRNA splicing assay protocols and reporting practices across multiple international laboratories identifies a need for standardized assay design and detection for clinical assays.
- Hyper- og hypomethylering ved kolorektalcancer
- Hyper- og hypomethylering ved pancreascancer
- Exosome Array: Microarray capturing and detection of exosomes for multiplexed phenotyping.
- Venous thromboembolism and hypercoagulability in upper gastrointestinal cancer
- Gene Variants and Risk of Venous Thromboembolism (GIANT) - A multicenter validation study
- Cancer and the risk of venous thrombosis – a Scandinavian multicenter study
- Metabonomics in patients with acute lung injury
- Bone resorption in diabetes – new markers and interference studies I samarbejde med Endokrinologisk afd. Aalborg Universitetshospital