- Brusen Villadsen A, Bundgaard-Nielsen C, Ambühl L, Tang Svendsen M, Søkilde Pedersen I, Stæhr Hansen E o.a. Prevalence and type distribution of human papillomavirus infections in Danish patients diagnosed with vulvar squamous cell tumors and precursors. Gynecologic Oncology Reports. 2021 aug;37. 100828. PMID:34621943
- Coignard J, Lush M, Beesley J, O’Mara TA, Dennis J, Tyrer JP o.a. A case-only study to identify genetic modifiers of breast cancer risk for BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers. Nature Communications. 2021 feb;12(1). 1078. PMID:33597508
- de Bernardi Schneider A, Osiowy C, Hostager R, Krarup H, Børresen M, Tanaka Y o.a. Analysis of Hepatitis B Virus Genotype D in Greenland Suggests the Presence of a Novel Quasi-Subgenotype. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021;11. 602296. PMID:33519744
- Dominguez-Valentin M, Crosbie EJ, Engel C, Aretz S, Macrae F, Winship I o.a. Risk-reducing hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in female heterozygotes of pathogenic mismatch repair variants: a Prospective Lynch Syndrome Database report. Genetics in Medicine. 2021 apr;23(4):705–712. PMID:33257847
- Fahnøe U, Pedersen MS, Sølund C, Ernst A, Krarup HB, Røge BT o.a. Global evolutionary analysis of chronic hepatitis C patients revealed significant effect of baseline viral resistance, including novel non-target sites, for DAA-based treatment and retreatment outcome. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2021 feb;28(2):302-316. PMID:33131178
- Gerra MC, Carnevali D, Pedersen IS, Donnini C, Manfredini M, González-Villar A o.a. DNA methylation changes in genes involved in inflammation and depression in fibromyalgia: A pilot study. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. 2021 feb;21(2):372-383. PMID:34387961
- Gerra MC, González-Villar A, Arendt-Nielsen L, Søkilde Pedersen I, Triñanes Y, Donnini C o.a. A family-based study to identify genetic biomarkers of fibromyalgia: consideration of patients' subgroups. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2021 jun 24;39(Suppl 130(3)):144-152. PMID:34161225
- Gerra MC, Carnevali D, Ossola P, González‐villar A, Pedersen IS, Triñanes Y o.a. DNA methylation changes in fibromyalgia suggest the role of the immune‐inflammatory response and central sensitization. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 nov 1;10(21). 4992. PMID:34768513
- Henriksen SD, Stubbe BE, Madsen PH, Johansen JS, Jensen BV, Hansen CP o.a. Cell-free DNA promoter hypermethylation as a diagnostic marker for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma – An external validation study. Pancreatology. 2021 sep;21(6):1081-1091. PMID:33994313
- Krarup HB. Diagnostik af hepatitis C. Ugeskrift for Laeger. 2021 nov. 15;183(22):2146-2148. V05210420. PMID: 34796867
- Lund ICB, Petersen OB, Becher NH, Lildballe DL, Jørgensen FS, Ambye L o.a. National data on the early clinical use of non-invasive prenatal testing in public and private healthcare in Denmark 2013-2017. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 2021 maj;100(5):884-892. PMID:33230826
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- Løssl K, Bentzen JG, Petersen MR, Roos LKS, Kjartansdóttir KR, Grøndahl ML, Troest, B., Toft, C. L. F., Pedersen, I. S., Diemer, T., Ingerslev , H. J. Præimplantationsgenetisk testning. Ugeskrift for Laeger. 2021 nov 29;183. V04210378. PMID:34852911
- Nesic M, Sønderkær M, Brøndum RF, El-Galaly TC, Pedersen IS, Bøgsted M o.a. The mutational profile of immune surveillance genes in diagnostic and refractory/relapsed DLBCLs. BMC Cancer. 2021 jul 18;21(1):829. 829. PMID:34275438
- Nguyen HTT, Wimmer R, Le VQ, Krarup HB. Metabolic fingerprint of progression of chronic hepatitis B: changes in the metabolome and novel diagnostic possibilities. Metabolomics. 2021 feb;17(2):1-16. 16. PMID:33495863
- Nowicka-Matus K, Salkus G, Pedersen IS, Sønderkær M, Ernst A, Takacs-Szabó Z o.a. Scrotal Paget’s disease associated with metastatic carcinoma with apocrine features and ERBB2-amplification/HER2 overexpression responding well to weekly paclitaxel combined with trastuzumab and pertuzumab. A case report. I Danske Kræftforskningsdage: Abstract Book. 2021. s. 152. 133
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- Sheyanth IN, Højland AT, Okkels H, Lolas I, Thorup C, Petersen MB. First reported CABP2-related non-syndromic hearing loss in Northern Europe. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine. 2021 apr;9(4). e1639. PMID:33666369
- Stubbe BE, Henriksen SD, Madsen PH, Larsen AC, Krarup HB, Pedersen IS o.a. Validation of SFRP1 Promoter Hypermethylation in Plasma as a Prognostic Marker for Survival and Gemcitabine Effectiveness in Patients with Stage IV Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Cancers. 2021 nov 15;13(22). 5717. PMID:34830873
- Thudium RF, Stoico MP, Høgdall E, Høgh J, Krarup HB, Larsen MAH o.a. Early laboratory diagnosis of COVID-19 by antigen detection in blood samples of the SARS-COV-2 nucleocapsid protein. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2021 sep 20;59(10). e01001-21. PMID:34260271
- Toft CLF, Ingerslev HJ, Kesmodel US, Hatt L, Singh R, Ravn K o.a. Cell-based non-invasive prenatal testing for monogenic disorders: confirmation of unaffected fetuses following preimplantation genetic testing. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2021 aug;38(8):1959-1970. PMID:33677749
- International Mismatch Repair Consortium, Sunde LEM, Lautrup CK, Okkels H, Bernstein I. Variation in the risk of colorectal cancer in families with Lynch syndrome: a retrospective cohort study. The Lancet. Oncology. 2021 jul;22(7):1014-1022. PMID:34111421
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