Afsluttede ph.d.-forløb

Afsluttede ph.d.-forløb med tilknytning til Forskningsenhed for Klinisk Sygepleje.


Rikke Mølgaard Riishøj: 'Nurses' use of the early warning score - An ethnographic and participatory design study'


Tine Lass Klitgaard: ' Newly graduated doctors' first months of work: An ethnographic and participatory research study towards change'   


Mia Sommer: 'Patient-reported outcomes on the trajectory of hematological cancer - A multi-method study'.

Helle Enggaard: Mixed methods evaluation of the guided self-determination intervention in adolescents with co-existing ADHD and medical disorder

Annette Pedersen: 'On the Edge of the Bench - An Ethnographic Study on Health among Socially Marginalised Men in a Large Danish Municipality'

Tim Alex Lindskou: Prehospital dyspnoea measurements 


Malene Terp: Exploring the possibilities of smartphone-based young adult schrizophrenia care: a participatory design study

Helle Nygaard Kristensen: Children's experience of pain: A mixed methods study of the effect and influence of hospital clowns on hospitalized children aged 4-15 undergoing painful procedures. 


Birgitte Tørring: Transforming Communication and Relationships in Interdisciplinary Surgical Teams - A Mixed Methods Study.

Mette Geil Kollerup: Visisting nurses' post-hospital medication management: Exploration of processes of development and implementation of an intervention aimed to improve safe patient medication.


Susanne Winther: Fælles følgeskab - et aktionsforskningsprojekt om patientovergange fra intensiv til stamafsnit 

Ingrid Jepsen: Caseload midwifery - A mixed methods study

Britt Laugesen: Children with ADHD: A mixed methods study on parental experiences, everyday life and health care use

Jane Andreasen : 'Frailty in acutely admitted older medical patients - identification, meaning and conseques of frailty hospital discharge'. 


Anette Arbjerg Højen: 'Long-term mental well-being of adolescents and young adults diagnosed with venus thromboembolism - A multistage mixed methods study'. 

Vibeke Høgh: Living with Atrial Fibrillation - exploring the context, complexity and magnitude of the patient perspective'

Siri Lygum Voldbjerg: Newly Graduated Nurses' use of Knowledge Sources in Clinical Decision Making

Birgith Pedersen: Vægtændringer blandt kvinder under og efter adjuvant behandling for bryst cancer - et multistage mixed metode studie

Mona Kyndi Pedersen: The effect of chronic neck pain and training on directional specificity of neck muscle activation

Karin Aagaard: Creating meaningful encounters in anesthesia nursing - Patient and nurseanesthetist interaction before general anesthesia.

Charlotte Brun Thorup:  Step counter use and self-determined motivation for walking in a cardiac telerehabilitation program – a mixed method study.


Lone Jørgensen: Distress among women taking part in surgical continuity of care for breast cancer - A mixed methods study.


Malene Kjær: Læring i Praksis : Praksis i Læring.

Helle Haslund: En antropologisk analyse af forældreskab efter præmaturitet - Moralske eksperimenter i en gråzone mellem sygdom og hverdagsliv.


Karin Bundgaard: Making it short? A fieldwork study outlining patients' expectations and needs for nursing in facilities for short-term stay.

Bente Hoeck: A Clinically Oriented and Practice Driven Approach to Metasynthesis. A worked example on 'Being critically ill in an ICU'.

Mette Kjerholt: Sammenhæng i ældre kronisk syges patientforløb – idealer og realiteter. Et aktionsforskningsprojekt.


Charlotte Bjørnes: The patients' health informatics tool - Exploring the possibilities. A Web 2.0 application for men with prostate cancer.

Mette Grønkjær: Alcohol use in Denmark: A mixed methods study on drinking contexts and the culture of alcohol use from a public health perspective.


Dorte Buchwald: Millioner af stjerner - om hvordan børn magter tilværelsen med en alvorligt syg og døende forælder.

Mette Holst: Undernutrition in hospitals: An evaluation of risk factors concerning the nutritional care process.


Edith Mark: Restriktiv spisning i narrativ belysning : En fænomenologisk undersøgelse af børns oplevelser af spisning ved diabetes eller overvægt.


Karen Marie Dalgaard: At leve med uhelbredelig sygdom : at begrænse dødens invasion og fremme livsudfoldelsen i tid og rum.


Erik Elgaard Sørensen: Sygeplejefaglig ledelse : en empirisk undersøgelse af samspil mellem ledelse og faglighed i ledende sygeplejerskers praksis i dansk sygehusvæsen.


Birgitte Schantz Laursen: Smerte og seksualitet : en undersøgelse af hvordan det påvirker kvinders seksualitet at have kroniske non-maligne smerter.


Charlotte Delmar: Tillid og magt - en moralsk udfordring.