Information in english

As part of a national project, North Region Denmark has received Money to improve the effort towards young people between 15-30 years with an aquired brain injury

The project runs for three years from 2014 to ultimo 2016. The aim of the project is to offer young people with an acquired brain injury an interdisciplinary examination after discharge and strengthen the cooperation between the sectors (hospital, municipality and GP),  which contribute to the rehabilitation process.

North Region Denmark wants to ensure that young people with an acquired brain injury receive a goal-oriented and flexible rehabilitation process.

Young people between 15-30 years will be offered a follow-up at the outpatient Clinic after discharge. This initiative is important because a brain injury can affect young people's opportunity of getting an education, having a job and which not least influences quality of life. 


The aim of the project

  • Inaugurate an outpatient clinic with an interdisciplinary team.
  • Ensure coherence between the rehabilitation at the hospital and in the municipality.
  • Counsel and educate professionals who work with young people with an acquired brain injury.
  • Develop new methods.