Søren Kold
We use highly individualized treatments to improve quality of life for patients with severe limb deformities. Patients at all ages are treated for congenital or acquired limb deformities due to trauma, infection and tumors. The primary focus for my research is reducing complications and patient discomfort in complex treatments.
In 2004, after finishing a PhD in bone-implant research, I was introduced to the magical world of limb lengthening and reconstruction by Dr. Stenild Christensen at Aalborg University Hospital. Experiencing the enormous regenerative potential of bone totally changed my career. After fellow-ships in trauma and children´s orthopaedics, I established in 2015 a Reconstruction Unit at Aarhus University. Since 2017 I have been appointed Professor and Head of Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction at Aalborg University Hospital.
Current research areas are individualized treatment in limb deformity correction, limb lengthening, bone transport and bone healing.
In 2004, after finishing a PhD in bone-implant research, I was introduced to the magical world of limb lengthening and reconstruction by Dr. Stenild Christensen at Aalborg University Hospital. Experiencing the enormous regenerative potential of bone totally changed my career. After fellow-ships in trauma and children´s orthopaedics, I established in 2015 a Reconstruction Unit at Aarhus University. Since 2017 I have been appointed Professor and Head of Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction at Aalborg University Hospital.
Current research areas are individualized treatment in limb deformity correction, limb lengthening, bone transport and bone healing.
Søren Kold
MD, PhD, Professor
Head of Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction
Department of Orthopaedics
Aalborg University Hospital
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University