
Herunder ses Nyre og Urinvejskirurgisk publikationsaktivitet. Der henvises desuden til Aalborg Universitets VBN-portal for et yderligere indblik i publikationer og andre videnskabelige aktiviteter.



  • Nielsen TK et al. Pulmonary embolisms and infections after renal trauma. Dan Med J, 2023.
  • Alhusseinawi H, Sander L, Impact of low pneumoperitoneum on renal function and acute kidney injury biomarkers during robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP): a randomised clinical trial. J Robotic Surg, Jan 2024.
  • Fabrin K et al. DaBlaCa-16: Retrosigmoid Versus Conventional Ileal Conduit in Robotassisted Radical Cystectomy, the MOSAIC Randomized Controlled Trial—Feasibility and 90-day Postoperative Complications. Eur Urology Open Sci, Feb 2024.
  • Fabrin K et al. DaBlaCa-17: nationwide observational study in Denmark on survival before and after implementation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Scan J Urol, Feb 2024.
  • Nielsen TK et al. KIDNEY-PAGER: analysis of circulating tumor DNA as a biomarker in renal cancer - an observational trial. Study protcol. Acta Oncol, Feb 2024.
  • Haase RN, Nielsen TK et al. Active Surveillance of Small Renal Masses in a Large Danish Cohort: Assessing Proficiency in Patient Selection. J Kidney Cancer VHL, Mar 2024.
  • Jørgensen L, Jensen H, Sander L et al. The effect of preoperative oral hygiene on postoperative infections after cystectomy and urethroplasty—A quasi-experimental study. Int J Urol Nurs, Mar 2024







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