Invitation to PhD defense by MD, Andreas Kappel

The Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University and Aalborg University Hospital are pleased to invite to PhD defense by MD, Andreas Kappel

Andreas Kappel will defend the thesis entitled:

Soft Tissue Laxity Following Total Knee Arthroplasty

Thursday April 15, 2021 at 13.30

Instability is among the top reasons for failure leading to revision surgery following total knee arthroplasty (TKA), and knee surgeons agree that soft-tissue stability is crucial in obtaining good functional results. Despite this, optimal limits of stability following TKA is poorly defined and objective quantification of laxity not integrated in clinical settings.

The thesis is based on three studies: 1) a systematic review on the relationship between laxity and outcome following TKA, 2) a methodological study on the reliability of laxity measurement following TKA, and 3) a cohort study on 124 participant receiving TKA surgery with examination of laxity, function and patient reported outcome


The location for the defence will be announced as soon as possible.

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