Center for Preimplantation Genetic Testing - Aalborg University Hospital - Denmark

About the center

The Center performs Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) for hereditary disorders as part of the public health care in Denmark. PGT is characterized as a highly specialized function authorized by the Danish health authorities and is performed at two national centers located at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen and Aalborg University Hospital in Aalborg. The two national centers collaborate closely on both patient treatment and research.

Aim of this website

To provide clinicians and researchers information about research, methodologies and results at the PGT Center.

Founded in 2016 by three departments

Center for Preimplantation Genetic Testing at Aalborg University Hospital is constituted by three departments: 

The PGT-center was established in the fall of 2016.

Research at the Center

We are continuously initiating or partaking in research with the aim of improving clinical care and contributing with new knowledge to the field. To learn more about our research, please contact our Head of Research at the link below or read about our past, current and future research project. 

Click this link to read the patient handout recruitment material (In Danish)

Click here to read about current research projects

Click here to see our publications

Click here to contact our Reserach Coordinator