Hearing test of newborns
All newborns are offered a hearing test, known as an OAE test (OtoAcoustic Emission). Every year, only a few babies are born with a loss of hearing. The hearing test is offered so that babies with hearing loss and their parents can get help and advice as early as possible, to ensure they get the best start in life.
The examination is of course voluntary.
All newborns are offered a hearing test, known as an OAE test (OtoAcoustic Emission). Every year, only a few babies are born with a loss of hearing. The hearing test is offered so that babies with hearing loss and their parents can get help and advice as early as possible, to ensure they get the best start in life.
The examination is of course voluntary.
The earliest point that the hearing test can be carried out is when the baby is 1 day of age. The test is performed at the place of birth if the baby is hospitalised for more than 1 day after birth. If the baby is discharged before 1 day of age, we will arrange a time and place for the test before you go home.
We carry out the test while the baby is asleep. The baby has a small soft earplug inserted into the ear, and through it, clicking sounds are sent into the baby’s ear canal. When the inner ear (the cochlea) receives the clicking sounds, the ear will make an echo, and a computer will read how the baby's ear reacts to sounds.
The test only lasts a few minutes, and it is not in any way uncomfortable for the baby. As parents, you can be present during the entire procedure.
The result is ready immediately after the test has concluded. If the examination shows a very clear reaction, the baby is unlikely to have any hearing loss. However, the baby can develop hearing loss later in life, most often due to fluid in the middle ear as a result of otitis media.
If you later become concerned about the baby's hearing, you should contact your own doctor or a general ear doctor.
If the examination does not show a clear response, it does not necessarily mean that the baby has a hearing loss. There may be other simple explanations as to why the reaction is not clear. Most often it is due to background noise, a restless baby or a technical fault in the equipment. In addition, the baby may have amniotic fat or amniotic fluid in the ear, which is very common in newborns and will disappear by itself.
If the result is not satisfactory in one or both ears, the baby will be referred to the Hearing Clinic. This happens often and does not necessarily mean that the baby has a hearing loss. At the Hearing Clinic, another examination will be conducted. It takes a little longer and can provide more information about your baby’s hearing.
If you have any questions about the test or about your baby's hearing, you are welcome to contact us.
Further information about the hearing test is available from the department where it is carried out. You can also get more information from your GP, midwife, health visitor or at the Hearing Clinic.
Aalborg University Hospital
Section for Family Maternity
Phone: 97 66 20 01
Hearing Clinic
Tel. 97 66 27 70
Best time to call: Monday – Friday 8.00 – 12.00
North Jutland Regional Hospital, Hjørring
Midwifery Outpatient Clinic
Phone: 97 64 07 04
Best time to call: Monday – Friday 9.00 – 12.00
Aalborg University Hospital, Thisted
The Maternity Ward
Phone: 97 65 00 70
Hearing Clinic
Tel. 97 65 05 90
Best time to call: Monday – Friday 8.00 – 9.00 and 10.00 – 12.00
Why should hearing be tested
Only 1-2 babies in 1,000 are born with hearing loss. In most cases, there is no hearing loss in the family.
For the individual baby, hearing loss can be meaningful as they miss out on the many sounds that help form a nuanced perception of the world. However, if hearing loss is detected early, there are very good opportunities to remedy it with the help of hearing aids and stimulation of the hearing centres in the brain. Today, it is known that the very first years are crucial when a baby is developing their hearing centres. The earlier the centres are affected, the greater the chance a baby with hearing loss has of hearing and developing spoken language. Therefore, all newborns are offered to have their hearing tested.