How to express by hand

There are many situations where it is a good idea that you express your breast milk. This applies both immediately after birth and later during the breastfeeding period. For example, if:

  • you are separated from your baby – for example, you are admitted to the maternity ward and your baby to the neonatal ward
  • your baby needs extra nutrition for the first day or so.
  • your baby is too weak to breastfeed – for example, if born prematurely or are sick
  • the baby does not yet have the correct sucking technique
  • you want to stimulate/increase your milk production, e.g. if you use a pacifier
  • you have very sore or damaged nipples
  • you have very tense breasts.

How much and how often?

Hand expressing is gentlest on the nipples, and especially in the first day to two, is the most effective way to express milk. This is because there is not much milk yet, and it can therefore be lost in the milking kit. In addition, you get to know your breast better which can be useful later in the expressing and breastfeeding process.

The first day after birth, you can hand express for 5 minutes on each breast, preferably 7-8 times a day. We also recommend expressing 7-8 times a day when you switch to expressing using the pump.

It may be necessary to skip once at night in order for you to sleep. However, there should never be more than 6 hours between 2 milk express sessions, as your hormones are then influenced to reduce milk production.

After you have expressed, it will take at least 1 hour before the baby is able to feed so that you have time to form new milk.