Welcome to Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
We have received a referral at Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The purpose of the examination is to clarify whether your work has caused your condition.
We have received a referral at Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The purpose of the examination is to clarify whether your work has caused your condition.
After we have received a referral, we send you the enclosed information within few days. This information contains the time for your examination here, a questionnaire where you note previous employments, the name of your GP, any medicine etc. Furthermore, we ask you to sign a statement of consent. We ask you to bring the questionnaire and the statement of consent at your meeting here.
Without your consent, it is possible for us to get relevant information from your GP and from hospitals in Denmark. If we need further information, for instance from a specialist or from a private hospital, we will need your statement of consent.
Without your consent, we can inform the doctor who referred you to us. If you are referred to us from your trade union, they can get information if you have authorized them to do so.
Public authorities, i.e. Jobcenter and Labour Market Insurance might require information concerning your health.
We are not allowed to give information to your employer.
At your first meeting at Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, you will meet a doctor or psychologist. He or she will go through your medical history, previous employment and workload. As a starting point, we will use your questionnaire that you have completed at home.
After talking to the doctor, we usually perform a traditional medical examination.
After talking to the psychologist, we usually perform a variety of psychological tests.
When your history is described, and the medical record written, it will be read and commented upon by another doctor or psychologist before discussing it at our cross-functional conference. This as part of our quality assurance.
You MAY see your own paper at “Sundhedsjournalen” at www.sundhed.dk.
In connection to your visit here we might want to refer you to further examination, i.e. blood tests, x-ray etc. or we can decide that it would be advisable to refer you to other departments within the hospital.
After your visit, we will decide whether your injury is work-related and then we will make a notification.
With your accept we might contact your employer, the Danish Working Environment Authority and/or your union.
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aalborg University Hospital may assist to
- Improve your working environment
- Give advice concerning personal considerations
- Give advice concerning resumption of work
- Give advice concerning alternative job possibilities
Department of Occupational Medicine, Aalborg University Hospital does not cure your injury, but we can refer you to further treatment.
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aalborg University Hospital does not decide whether you should have compensation – this is up to the Labour Market Insurance – which also has the authority to award monetary damages.
Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine does not have the authority to issue an enforcement no-tice this is up to the Danish Working Environment Authority.
Department of Occupation and Environmental Medicine is legally bound to make a notice concerning any suspicion of a work-related injury. This notification will be sent to the Danish Working Environment Authority and the Labour Market Insurance.
The Danish Working Environment Authority make statistics concerning work-related injuries used in relation to research and prevention.
The Labour Market Insurance will decide whether your injury is work-related. If your case is accepted, the Labour Market Insurance will determine if you should have compensation for injury and loss of the ability to work.
You decide if the Labour Market Insurance shall take your case.
Remember to save any receipts
If you have any expenses in relation to your injury, i.e. medicine, physiotherapy, chiropractor treatment etc. you can get a refund if your case is accepted. Therefore, it is important that you save your receipts.
Sometimes you can get mileage allowance, if you are retired or live far from the hospital. Please contact “Kontoret for Patientbefordring”, tel. 97 64 80 30 Monday-Friday 8-12 for questions.
You are always welcome to contact us should you have any questions
Arbejds- og Miljømedicinsk afdeling (Department of Occupational and Enviromental Medicine)
Tel. 97 66 41 00
Monday – thursday 8.00 – 14.00
Friday 10.00 – 14.00
Names of interest:
- Arbejds- og Miljømedicinsk Afdeling: Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Arbejdstilsynet: The Danish Working Environment Authority
- Arbejdsmarkedets Erhvervssikring: The Labour Market Insurance