Ny artikel - Experiences of pre- and postoperative information among patients undergoing knee arthroplasty: a systematic review and narrative synthesis


Purpose: The aim of this review was to identify and synthesize knowledge of how patients undergoing knee arthroplasty experience pre- and postoperative information provided by healthcare professionals.

Materials and methods: A systematic review and narrative synthesis was conducted in accordance with Popay et al.'s guidelines which involve 1) developing a preliminary synthesis; 2) exploring relationships; and 3) assessing the robustness of the synthesis. Qualitative and quantitative studies were considered for inclusion, and a systematic, extensive search was conducted in scientific databases.

Results: A total of 31 studies were included in this review. The analysis resulted in five synthesized themes: 1) Support in the decision to undergo surgery; 2) Confidence versus uncertainty in the preparation for surgery; 3) Prerequisites for feeling secure before discharge; 4) Struggling through rehabilitation at home; and 5) Unmet expectations and endeavoring to accept realities.

Conclusions: The findings illustrate the complexities of patients’ experiences of information from healthcare professionals and its significance for how they manage challenges throughout the surgical care pathway. Information from healthcare professionals influences patients’ knowledge, skills and confidence in the journey through knee arthroplasty. Therefore, it is important that healthcare professionals recognize patients’ support requirements and adapt information to their individual needs.

Artiklen er publiceret i Disability and Rehabilitation maj 2019 og forfattet af: Amanda Agnes Østervig Buus, Ole Kristian Hejlsen, Charlotte Dorisdatter Bjørnes & Britt Laugesen
